• Expanding the horizon of data services,
    PEOPLE AND TECHNOLOGY is the best partner for your journey.

    Since 2013, PEOPLE AND TECHNOLOGY has been the pioneer in data service. We have developed new way of IoT network infrastructure and successfully launched various new services in various sectors such as healthcare, infectious disease contact tracing, workplace safety etc..

    In order to pursuit our endeavor in developing new way of utilizing data and derive more from them, PEOPLE AND TECHNOLOGY opened our AI Lab in Jan 2021. And now, we are proud to present the direction and blueprint of our AI Lab technology and services under development.

    PEOPLE AND TECHNOLOGY AI Lab is determined to be the bridge between academic AI/Machine Learning studies and real-life services while procuring new ways to maximize image processing, machine learning and topological DB technologies. Expanding the horizon of data services. Join us as a partner and explore the new possibilities.

In the eyes of CCTV with built-in AI
Resembling human vision

Vision AI and Image Processing is the main  R&D topic of PEOPLE AND TECHNOLOGY AI Lab. As we developed our technology to plant on imaging devices, our partnership with a major CCTV manufacturer in Korea has led us to provide a drastic improvement in how the visual data can be utilized as a service.

With our PriMa and CarRex services, we can bring the existing service scenario of visual data service to a whole different level by provisioning AI features to image collecting devices such as CCTV. Nearing the human vision that can see, determine, and filter, PEOPLE AND TECHNOLOGY AI Lab will help reduce human error near to zero as well as prevent any data loss or waste by the precision of our technology.

Meet our new services from AI Lab and find out what AI can do more for you.